Who am I?

Hi! I’m Susan and this is where I love to explore cookbooks and create recipes. I’m a devotee of Korean food, crave things with chlorophyll and adore my four year old. I lean more towards a flexitarian way of eating, with a love of plant-based recipes. However, I do not restrict my diet in anyway.
I’ve been a professional chef and recipe developer for the last 10 years. I spent a large chunk of my young adult life living in New York City, where I nurtured a huge preoccupation with food (insert Korean food obsession here) and the desire to learn more about it. I decided to leave my career in theater as a costumer (which I enjoyed) and enrolled at The Institute of Culinary Education. Best time I’ve ever had in school and I don’t regret it for a minute.
I’ve worked in professional kitchens, catering and am currently a personal chef and recipe developer. I’ve developed recipes for food professionals, cookbooks and have dabbled in a bit of food styling. I love so many aspects of working with food. After the work day is done, there’s nothing I like better than settling down with a new cookbook in the evening. Seriously.

After thinking about blog ideas, I thought, “Wouldn’t it be amazing to (re)discover and highlight amazing recipes in cookbooks, test new recipes and share some of my own creations?” I’m always searching for those back pocket recipes, whether they’re for my professional cooking repertoire or for getting a satisfying meal thrown together at home after a long day. Who cares if the kid only took two bites. I highly enjoyed it myself.
If you like finding new recipes, reading and cooking from cookbooks as much as I do, then welcome. I’ll also be passing along helpful tips in the kitchen and sharing my food experiences. Happy cooking!
6 fun facts about me.

- I grew up with 3 brothers so I naturally had to be a tomboy, even if I didn’t always want to.
- Being an only girl, my mom made me help her cook dinner everyday and I hated it. Now, I’m SO thankful she taught me how to be comfortable in the kitchen and to appreciate good food.
- I love eating raisins on their own but I don’t really like raisins in anything. Except oatmeal raisin cookies. Go figure!
- I try to practice yoga daily, even if it is only for 10 minutes. It makes such a difference to my day.
- I’m an introvert that secretly has an extrovert BOSS just wanting to bust out at times. It’s an internal struggle (ha!).
- During the pandemic, I discovered a love of hiking and being out in nature that I never knew I had. It’s a beautiful thing, to be amongst mountains, trees and stillness.

Work with me.
Do you need recipes for your site, cookbook or business? Do you have a product that you’d like showcased with a recipe? I love working with different brands, companies or chefs.
Do you need a recipe tester for an upcoming cookbook? I can help make sure those recipes are user friendly and understandable.
For any inquiries, please contact me at cookbooksonrepeat@gmail.com.
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